Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Television And SoulfulEncounters!

Wow wee! Tune in, turn up the volume! goes on television! For someone who does not like front line attention.....what could I say. I am doing it all for you members..I love you all!
I thought this would be too hard to bare. But, when I started to speak about my SoulfulEncounters disability site and my medically disabled and differently abled members all my words came from my heart and soul. The viewing was shown 6 times that weekend. It aired on my hometown's local station but heh---you know that everyone is welcome to join! If you have not seen me that is okay...If you wish to correspond with me... I am open to that.
I had several other interviews as well for a national Canadian disability magazine. Soulful Encounters is getting coverage. I was also interviewed for a disability magazine in the United States and I start off the New Year with yet another interview from a free lance writer with our local newspaper. This is all good news for the disabled singles. We are getting new members every day. Your soulmate awaits you! If you are single and handicapped or medically disabled....come join us! If you are a member please feel free to give us ideas as we value your input. We would like you to feel part of it.
So, what is next now that all this excitement is behind us!! You will have to tune in.....why not...

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