Saturday, February 17, 2007

Soulful Encounters Goes "Radio"!!!! is getting a lot of publicity and the disabled are worthy of this. We have come a long way baby but "miles to go before we sleep". We now made it to a radio station with host Shauna Rae CJBK AM. Thank you Shauna! We need everyone's help to overcome our isolation. Shauna thought that Soulful Encounters for the medically disabled and differently abled was a great undertaking and for a worthy cause. Soulful gives its members an opportunity to connect with others who have disabilities and helps to remove the isolation that hinders them to find someone to love...someone to love them back. I have found that the disabled have their own class and that is First Class. We thank everyone who tries to help us so that our voice could be heard. The disabled do not have a handicapped heart! Yes, there are extra challenges but having someone by their side helps to normalize their every day living.
If anyone out there would like to do a human interest story about Soulful Encounters and its disabled members we would appreciate it greatly.
I wonder what is next for Soulful...join us for the next episode.

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