Sunday, December 16, 2007

Soulful Soon Rings In A New Year!

Soulful Encounters has shown itself to be very site to community site and now Soulful Encounters is working the phones to bring help to those who need it..
We are a great support group for the disabled..And, so we will ring in the New Year with a fresh start..Soulful is becoming a disabled community and dating site by the disabled...How unique is that...This fresh new site for the disabled is just that...unique..It is like My Space and Facebook rolled into one but only for the disabled..Come see us...Join Up and create a little space of your very own with guestbooks, blogs and you now have the ability to invite friends to your little space.
We are forever improving and gaining popularity. Don't be left behind. Get on board and enjoy the benefits.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Here is My News Release for Soulful's Second Time Around



In only one year, has evolved from a Web-based dating connection into a life-asserting online community. With chat rooms, personal profiles, and photo albums, it is best described as a cross between My Space, Face Book, and a dating site…but with a twist. It is niched for those who are physically or medically disabled – and there is nothing else like it online.

Louise Maxwell, the site’s founder and administrator, has been instrumental in drastically changing the lives of its members. With close to 2400 members before its current restructure, including lawyers, pastors, psychologists, and other professionals, the site has become a support system for the disabled by the disabled – and a support for parents of disabled children. is quickly building a reputation for providing a new outlook or purpose in life as members become extended family – and many have developed friendships and romance that otherwise would not have been possible. “Louise made me feel worthy and confident…not trapped and sad,” said one member. “I have never felt so good about myself in my entire life.”

Online membership ranges from age 21 to 87 with most between 40 and 55. Maxwell takes the time to discover each person’s strengths and brings it out through chat room conversations to help build self-esteem. And she is extremely protective of her online community. Spammers and scammers are quickly identified and eliminated to protect the vulnerable members.

Maxwell worked more than twenty years in medical offices surrounded by the very ill and disabled – and she was in her comfort zone. After becoming disabled herself in her late thirties due to numerous back surgeries following a car accident, she discovered that she continually had to prove she was smart and capable. Being housebound for nearly ten years, she felt isolated…and understands the needs of the disabled community first hand. “Just because you’re physically handicapped doesn’t mean that your heart and soul are. We’re empowering people to be who they want to be,” said Maxwell.

At the type of disability doesn’t matter – the important thing is that everyone is regarded as an individual with unique talents and aspirations. Maxwell recognizes this in each member and strives to make everyone feel good about themselves.

“Members form a unique community in which they feel safe, accepted, and appreciated regardless of their country of origin,” said Maxwell, “because in the hearts of the disabled, no border exists.”


CONTACT: Louise Maxwell..

PREPARED BY: Susan Regier, Vantage One Writing